I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm still here...sorry I haven't written


So it's been a little while since I've written. Actually, a long time so I'm sorry about that. But I've found it difficult to write a lot. The pictures below are random but I thought that I'd show ya'll some of the people have been with and places I've been. The pictures above are from the past couple of weeks. Josh Newsome is "eating" a praying mantis, a picture of me at one of Japan's awesome parks and some pretty Japanese scenery.

I don't even know where to start telling ya'll what I've been up too and what's been going on. This week the English classes started back up. There are 5 classes I go to regularly but I taught one this week on Monday by myself. Well...got to tell you that that was fun because it was a beginners classes. What do you get when you have Japanese people who know little English in a room with a teacher that knows very little Japanese? A group of people staring at each other!! Ok...it wasn't that bad. It actually went really well and I had a lot fun. Fortunately, I have really enjoyed all the English classes. I get to know them and learn about what's going on in their lives. They get to know me and they love hearing about my life in America. I have really liked learning from Linda and Peter as they teach the classes. Seeing them intertwine the Gospel into teaching English and the care they have for their students is something that I've loved and have learned while being with them. One of the most important things about the English classes is that they are creating a community for people to feel loved, cared for and able to build relationships. There might not be many people that come to know Christ (specifically) through an English class but for people to know that there is a place to come to feel loved and welcome in a culture that is huge, busy and where people can feel lost or insignificant.

Choirs have started up or will start this week. Tom and Teresa are very excited about that and have been working REALLY hard to get prepared for them. There are three Gospel choirs that meet every other week. And there is a Christmas choir that meets every week. Tom is really excited about that one! But it's kinda weird to start singing Christmas music in September...haha. I go to be another male voice or to babysit for the Wilsons so that they can concentrate on talking and getting to know those in the choir.

The Newsome's house is complete (well for the most part.) It looks completely different and it's been cool to know that I've helped them in some way. The whole interior of their house is for the most part re-painted. Amy has been busy getting it re-decorated and back to normal. It's been fun living with the Newsomes. There's always things going on. The Wilson's had a great time on vacation and, I think, are glad to be back. I finish the rest of time here in Japan at both of their houses.

Anyways....I know that this is short but it's taken me a whole movie to concentrate to get this much down. Please continue to pray that I'll have the mindset to SERVE. I'm staying until October 5th (which is an answer to prayer...thanks.) Pray for the church ministries I mentioned above (English classes and choirs) and that people would come to know our Father through these outreaches and will speak through the people that lead them. Again, I am sorry that this is short and that it has been a long time since I've written. Thanks for reading the post...can't wait to see ya'll when I get home.

In Christ,

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