I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Monday, October 4, 2010

I leave with broccoli hair and tears in my eyes!

Oh (deep breath),

Where to start and how to begin? I always struggle with that. But since I've started, I can just get right to it. Tonight, I seat in Wayne Newsome's office and write my last blog from Japan for this summer. Oh how the time flies...not sure if my family thinks that but it really has. It really feels like just last week I was packing my two suitcases in my room in B'ham to come here and tonight Amy Newsome helped me pack to go back home. It feels like just yesterday I was talking with the Wilson's in their living/dining room about staying a month longer and tonight I gave a tearful hug to Teresa and Ian. I haven't mastered Japanese...but I figured out that it's to hard to learn anyway. English class is where it's at!! Linda Wixon would agree with me. So would Darlene Johnson! Just kidding Etsuko-sensei...Japanese lessons were awesome. I'll be practicing it on the plane ride home.
Saying goodbyes this week was hard. It's hard enough saying goodbye to my big Japanese family on one night. But I also had a whole week of AMAZING people I had to say "sayonara" too. I held it in most of the week (which is good for a Ketcham) but tonight...I just couldn't anymore. I am still at a lost for words. I wish I could explain the things the LORD has taught me and sum it up so delicately. But I'm not able too. Thoughts are running through my head. Memories pop up from conversations I hold. Lessons I've learned are made evident throughout daily life. Japan has been amazing!! Darlene asked me on Sunday after my homeschool seminar if I could sum up my trip. I said that I couldn't but the best word that came to mind was overflowing. I am not sure why but I think of it as I am leaving with more than I came with. I am leaving with knowledge that I didn't have before. I am departing with friends that I didn't know before coming but cherish now. I am leaving more mature than when I came. God has taught me many lessons. Hopefully, as I take time to comprehend the months here...I'll be able to organize me thoughts. I tried my best to soak up everything while I was here. In the long view of things, I was in Japan for a VERY short time. I didn't want to miss anything. And I was blessed to be able to experience a lot of different things, meet a lot of different people, share in many memories! I have seen God work. I've seen Him answer specific prayers. From support raising in May/June and not really sure if I'd have enough to go at all to being able to stay a whole other month...from God answer personal prayers of desired maturity to keeping me safe and health, God really is GREAT! Why I struggle with surrendering everything to Him I don't know!?!? He has always come though for me. He will never let me down. I was reminded of the Fall this afternoon while running. I so easily fall just like Adam and Eve over the SAME EXACT temptation. Does God really know best? Wouldn't it be better to do this? Wouldn't it be better to do what YOU want to do? And yet...see where that got us, a world full of sin and separation from God. Oh how I long for that day when I struggle no more and I follow Him obediently with no hindrance. Oh how I wish I would not disappoint the God of this Universe who suffered dearly for my freedom. At times, I spit in His face. Many times...I run from His embrace, the safety of His arms. How I wish that I'd always think, always know, always remember His grace in the past and know that He will guide me with grace in the future. His grace is never ending! How thankful I am for that! Praise be to God!!
I want to thank everyone for following my blog these past three months. It really has been a blast and a blessing to work alongside the MTW Nagoya team! These people are wonderful! They surround themselves in prayer towards God and know that they can't do anything without God's grace and mercy in their lives. It was humbling to see how they looked to God for everything, turning to Him and His WORD for direction, guidance, healing and counsel. They have challenged me, loved me and given me more than I can ever thank them for. All I can say is THANK YOU for pouring into my life and allowing me to learn so much from you all. I love you all very, very much!
Thanks to all who have prayed for me during this time. I really do feel that and am so thankful that I have such a supportive church and family/friends that sincerely care for me. Thank you all for the encouragement and support! Please be in prayer as I am flying back to Alabama tomorrow morning. Pray for safety and smooth transfers as I am always nervous something bad will happen. God is in control though and will get me home when He wills!
Love you all. Thanks again to the many people that made my trip possible. It was life changing! I'll never forget my time here and I pray that God will use it in my life tremendously to be able to do might work for Him. Only because of His Son, Christ Jesus, do I live. God Bless!

I will miss Japan,
Richard, Mr. Richard, Uncle Richard, Richard-san, Richardo, not Richie, etc

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