I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't know where to start...


It's been a long time since I wrote. Or at least it feels that way. And it seems like a lot has happened. Right now, it's about 10:00 PM on Tuesday night. I'm still staying at the Newsome's house in Nagakute. And we're still painting rooms in there house. BUT we're almost done. We worked on the boy's bedroom and the bathroom today. Once those are complete...we only have ONE more room. With only three rooms as exceptions, I've painted the whole house since I've been in Japan (with A LOT of help of course!!!) Painting in Japan is difficult. You have to be even more creative because they don't mix paint for you. You do that!! Therefore if you want light green...you go to the store and buy white and green and start mixing!! It's fun...and slightly annoying at time because you can't just get the color you want. Paint is really expensive and in small quantities here. Anyways...that's what I've been doing while staying at the Newsome's. We hope to be done by this week. It'll before English classes start back and RIGHT before the team retreat which is on the 3rd and 4th of Sept.

Last week, I got to stay with the sweetest JAPANESE family that is here in Japan...the Watanabe's. They are incredible! Mr. Watanabe (Eiji) is a seminary student in the seminary that meets at the church in Nisshin. Him and his wife (Reiko) have 4 boys which they HOMESCHOOL!!! Homeschooling if you remember is actually completely unheard of in Japan. But they feel like it's the best way to educate their boys and they seem to be doing a marvelous job. The boys are brilliant! Yoshiya (Josiah) is 8 years old. He plays soccer and translates a lot for the family. Most of his school subjects are in English even though they speak Japanese basically all the time in the house. He does about 5 subjects in English and 3 in Japanese. Eiji and Reiko (I called them both "Watanabe san" = Mr or Mrs Watanabe) speak English fairly well...a lot better than they think they do. So communicating wasn't really a problem during the week. The boys know English pretty well. Tomokazu and Takumi are 6 year old twins! Totally cool kids and completely different. These boys can spell better than I can and seem to really love school. Tomokazu is the boy who below in one of the pictures from the Kid's Gospel Week is painting signs with me. Eliya (Elijah) is 2 1/2 years old and might be the cutest kids on earth. He cracked me up all week with his broken English and how he'd talk to be in Japanese, expecting me to understand him. Not 3 yet...he already knows all his numbers and the alphabet! I had such an amazing time with this family. They are so service minded. Mr. Watanabe was out helping others everyday I was there. I got to help them move from the house they are renting now to another they will be moving into in about 3 weeks. I helped with school and playing with the kids. And getting to experience a real Japanese family was great....making my stay here really seem like I was IN Japan.

A lot of little things have happened since I posted last. My mom had a birthday (Happy Birthday Mom!!) I seen a lot of the nearby towns/cities around Nagoya. Some mountains, rivers and countryside. Japan is beautiful!! I think it maybe the mountains and the different types of trees that make up the scenery but the way that water and mountains mix with the curving roads and rice fields...it's really beautiful. I've taken a lot of pictures! I've gotten to go several times to different rivers with different people or families. I was taken to a wadaiko demonstration (Japanese drums). Only words are AWESOME and POWERFUL! I've gotten to hangout with several college students and went bowling with Mikiya and one of his friends...that was fun. Yesterday, I went to a going away/wedding party for one of Mrs. Linda and I's English students. She's moving to Germany! Anyways...my time has been busy. August is done with September and it's schedule packed and ready to go. English classes start back up next week. Japanese schools start school tomorrow so kids are heading back to school. Therefore, there will be more of a routine starting here soon than August allowed for.

I'd be lying if I said that I haven't been homesick. But I have been a little lately. I think it may have something to do with a lot of friends are in Auburn with school and everything. I miss that place! And my family doing stuff without me (i hope the beach was fun!!) But God has been good to me. He's always good to me. I'm amazed at how I often forget that. I let my particular situation at that moment dictate the mood I'm in. And don't always see or think that God may be using this is some way for something much bigger...His plan. Actually, that's probably how it usually is. Many truths have been revealed to me during these past two months by His grace and mercy. I played all the worship for church this past Sunday because Tom was gone. God was so faithful. Is so faithful!! Even though I was completely unprepared and actually not adequate to play (much like Gideon or David), God used me to help others WORSHIP HIM. That's something that I've always struggled with....how to truly worship Him with the talents He's given me. I sit here not really knowing how to put into words how God's become more real to me during my stay in Japan. In some ways, I don't want to leave. In others, I do. Here...I feel like I focused on doing God's work and in a way...that's easier. Back in the States, I sadly get caught up in the busyness of a schedule and the comforts that home brings with it. I've been challenged in that way, knowing that when I go back...I want to be changed. I want God to use this trip in anyway HE thinks is right and true. His will over mine (which is so hard for me to say!) Japan has put a lot of things in perspective for me...but I don't want to forget this and go back to how I was. I desire God to work in my life, through my life....never forgetting HIS wonderful truths. These are random thoughts...sorry if they make no sense.

I've got many prayer requests.
1. Please pray for me in some specific ways:
-I've got one more month here. Please pray that I would remain focused on being a servant to the team here. I'm here to serve! And through the process of helping...grow closer to God.
-My flight plans might be changing again. I ask for wisdom as I make scheduling plans and that a flight would open up for me that's not expensive and not confusing.
-I hate not know what my future holds. I would really appreciate your prayers for what I need to go when I get back to the States. I don't feel God leading me in a very clear way. I'm at a cross road (jobs, schooling-wise) and don't know where God is leading me.
-pray that I'd use every opportunity to share the Gospel. In a big and evident way or in a small way that God would use me to plant seeds in people's hearts about the ONE true God and the love and security we have in Him...our Father!
2. Please pray for the team retreat this weekend and that the planning and fellowship would go well/smoothly.
3. Please pray for many people's finances. I know that there are several families trying to raise support to come join the Nagoya team and are finding it very difficult. There are missionaries here that are struggling to stay their WHOLE time. I'm also trying to reach that last little bit I need to stay the 3 months. Pray that God will provide and that it'll be a faith-building experience for all of us.
4. Pray for the church and it's growth. Now that summer is over, we are hoping for more people to be involved in the activities at the church. Pray that God would work in people's hearts to come to the church and hear His Gospel.
5. Please pray for these specific people: the Watanabe family, Mikiya, Hironari, Maki, Kaji (a college-aged guy going to Australia for 1 year) and many people in Gospel choirs and English classes.

Thank you for the prayers! I really appreciate them. Sorry that I have no pictures...again. I don't know how to get them up on this computer. We'll just have to wait a little longer. And sorry this is long but thanks for reading if you made it to this point. God's grace is endless...Praise the LORD!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

I got kicked out of the Wilson household...

"Konbanwa" for those that speak Japanese..."Good Evening" for those that speak English...and A+ for those that understood both!

This week has been fun. It's been different! My regular routine was mixed up a bit. It's been busy but relaxing! I got to do some cool stuff. And I'm living with a crazy but sweet and amazing family right now. The Wilson's are on a much needed vacation right now so I moved in with the Newsome's on Monday night of this week. Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Amy have 5 children. Katelyn is the oldest and left for her sophomore year at Covenant College on Tuesday. She's a soccer player there. Sam is 16 and is a Junior at a school in Tokyo. Mary Grace is 14 and a freshman at ICAN (International Christian Academy of Nagoya). Sarah is 12 and Josh is 9...both go to ICAN as well. It's fun being apart of their family. At times...I feel like I'm hearing my own brothers and sisters because even though they might live in another country, kids will be kids and it's funny! Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Amy are amazing people and I've learned so much by talking with them and helping them around the house. They have been SO sweet to open their house to me and I've really appreciate all the input, advice, and counsel they've given. Mr. Wayne is the team leader here for the Nagoya team and preaches for the church. He stays really busy with the activities at the church which is only a 5 minute bike ride away (just down the road). Mrs. Amy is always busy with tons of things....bible studies, choir practice, life as a mom and house keeper-upper, etc. Her latest project has been painting the house which is what I've helped with. I've been able to help with re-painting their living room, bathrooms and toilet rooms, hallway and stairway. We worked on the kitchen today but didn't quite finish. So that's been fun. I've gotten better at painting which can always help me in the future. The Newsome' s think that I should give up my medical pursuits and start painting for a living. Not exactly what I had in mind...but if the LORD's will...I'll go for it.
We've been able to do some really neat stuff this week. Yesterday, we woke up really early and traveled about two hours away to the Japan Sea for a beach day. This was the 1st the Newsome's had done something like this and weren't very sure what they'd fine. But the beach turned about to be wonderful. The water was so clear and it was really pretty! Japan is so mountainous and cities where there isn't mountains. So...you have a small beach and a mountain like 100 yards away. Therefore, the beaches are pretty few and far in between. But we spent the whole day there on the beach and it was wonderful! I'll show some pictures later...I'm on a computer that I haven't downloaded pictures yet.
Tonight we went to the Nagakute town festival. I mentioned this last post but Ohbon (most likely miss spelled) is going on right now (basically vacation time.) People go back to their hometowns and there's always a festival where there is a dance for/to the dead spirits. Ok...so not so awesome maybe but it shows the religion and culture that we're dealing with. They worship their ancestors and pray for them, offering up sacrifices to make sure that they are taking care of. This ritual dance is done to lead the spirits on their way. Where? I'm not sure! The really cool thing about these festivals is there are always fireworks. I've told a little about Japanese fireworks...but they are awesome. The shows are incredible and I'll never see anything like it in America. So that was today...and it was a lot of fun. We biked there because it's the town that the Newsome's live in.
Thanks for those that have been praying for me. I really appreciate the prayers. I've been giving the opportunity to stay longer. That was a prayer request I had last post but I think that all is working out about that (thanks Mom and Dad!) I am trying to stay until Oct 4th. This will give me time to see the English students again and for me to make sure that I finish all the projects that I can for the team. It is a whole month more than I thought I would get. The LORD is so good in that He provided all my money to come in and have blessed me tremendously while over here. His grace is more abundant everyday and never runs out on a wretched sinner like me. I've been reading in Romans for my quiet time and have been amazed at how I have for most of my life...put God in a box. He is way bigger and more knowledgeable than I! The truths that Paul writes about and how the Spirit reveals those to me have been of great encouragement. To learn more about the Scriptures and how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, has given me much more understanding about myself and the greatness of our God.
Please continue to be praying for me. There are many needs here yet God has also blessed the team very much. Please continue to lift up the men of Japan...for which there is a need for Godly husbands, church leaders, pastors, and Christian workers in the work force. Please pray for the struggling churches that are here. Some only have a few members. Some don't even have a pastor. Some are on the brink of stopping. It is very hard to grow in numbers in Japan because of the type of people Japanese are...very slow when it comes to something new or foreign. Pray for motivation and strength for the missionary families. Most of the team is coming back from vacation. Pray that they will use the energy and rest they gained from that to pour more of ourselves through Christ's strength into those we are ministering too.
I am so excited about what the LORD is doing not only in my life but also in many of the people's live here. Please pray that God will make new His Gospel to us everyday so that we can share and spread His Word excitedly and energetically everyday.
Sorry...no pictures but I'll try to post some later on if I can. Much love to everyone. And thanks again for keeping up with me.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

They made me take a day off!


Well...I'm back on the once-a-week blog again. And I'm sorry about that. I guess I could look back but I'm not even sure when I posted last. Anyways...thanks for the comments. I've said this before but I really am thankful for the prayers and all the support. It's really encouraging to get on and have a sweet comment or email from someone. Thank you!

For this week, it was my goal to finish the painting at the Newsome's house before they returned from their vacation. I didn't do it! And I felt horrible about it. I've been working on re-painting some of the areas in their house and it took me a lot longer than I wanted it too. But I'm glad to hear that they like it and i hope to finish up at least the initial stuff very soon. I thought about putting some of "before and after" pictures but I'm not sure the Newsome's want pictures of their house floating in cyberspace.

It's actually kinda funny. I'm sitting in an empty house right now because the Wilson's left today for vacation. My family back in the states are on vacation (i hope the beach is fun without me.) And the family I'm about to go live with for a few days are just getting back from vacation. Here is Japan...there is a week or two that is called something that I won't even try to spell. But it means "dancing with the past spirits" or something. I can't remember exactly. But it's a week or two. Anyways...it's a time when many Japanese families take vacation. Kids aren't in school yet. Men will take their 5 vacation days off for the year! And plane tickets get expensive. But it kinda a time for travel and for people to go see their families in other towns. Many towns have festivals and things where they celebrate their dead ancestors and light lanterns to "lead" them back to where ever. You can probably tell that I don't really know a lot about it. haha . This time is called O-ban (I think). I can't remember but it's basically vacation time for many people and they visit family in their home town...therefore travel.

I haven't done a whole bunch this week. I usually would wake up around 8:30AM, eat breakfast, sometimes have a prayer time with T & T (which is always such a blessing and encouraging) and then bike to the Newsome's in Nagakute about 30 minutes away. I usually stopped my the grocery store or a convenience store (better known as a convenie) to pick up lunch for later. I'd paint for most the day and then bike back to Togo a little after dark. I had a few things that broke that schedule. I was invited to lunch at one of the English student's house on Wednesday. It was a lot of fun and I got to experience Japanese culture even more while being in their house. A lot of speaking English...practicing...which is always fun. Teresa's brother was in town for some of the week and I loved to stay up with them and talk. Dr. Randell Short is a professor at Tokyo Christian University and it was his daughters that helped during the KGW a few weeks back. A really smart man....loved talking with him. I had two Japanese lessons this week. I love my sensei ("teacher"). Etsuko Sensei lives just down the road and is teaching Ian and I usually twice (sometimes once) a week. Japanese is hard but really fun. It's going slow but I can pick small words out of a conversation or the radio sometimes.

I've also really enjoyed my time in the Bible. Today, I re-read the passages from the sermon yesterday and then re-read the sermon. Since the church is in Japanese, they have handouts in English for people to follow along. I can't believe i haven't done this in years past. I think that that is the hope of many pastors...is that their sermon will give us encouragement the week through and not just for one hour at church while we listen. I went on a run afterwards and prayed. Our God is so good! When we live our life in obedience to Him, He is not slow to shower His grace down in our lives with peace. That's what I felt while running and praying. I've been reading in Romans and I have to focus really hard on what Paul is talking about sometimes. But it's mean amazing how God opens my eyes to things I've never noticed or understood before. Things about my sinful nature and the Spirit battling within my body; one leads to destruction and the other to life. Who will we follow? I've seen and experienced the necessity to hear the Gospel message everyday. I'm always to quick to forget. Once moment I'm praying and "feel" so close to God. The other moment...I'm angry for something that's happened in my life. I'm so quick to forget His faithfulness and love in my life. He has shown more grace in my life. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to understand how much.

*Please pray for the Wilson's. They are on a much needed vacation time right now. Pray for great family time. Pray for rest, relaxation and re-energizing for the ministry ahead.
*Please pray for my brother, Sam, as he is deployed with the Army Rangers and is away from his pregnant wife. Dorsey is expecting in a little more than a month. Please pray for health, protection and a constant source of understanding to be on them as they are apart.
*Please pray that ministry opportunities will continue to arise for me. I'm still meeting with a few people on my own. I have several jobs to still be done for the team. I want to stay busy and to be helpful to the team and people of the church. Please pray that I'll be swift in finishing jobs so that I can move on to others and really help those that need it.
*Please pray for wisdom as I try to make some decisions. I am hoping to stay a little longer in Japan than I initially thought. The LORD has provided for me in a way that I never thought possible. He is so good and truly watches over His sheep. I am trying to work it out to stay until Oct. 4th. Pray that if that is God's will, plane tickets will be able to be changed and the money will last that long.

Thanks for many prayers and words of encouragement. I very much appreciate the support and love. I thank those that are and have supported me. God is using this tremendously in my life...revealing truths and drawing me closer to Him through His Word. Thank you for making this possible for me.

With that last prayer request, I sure hope my parents read their email before reading this blog!

For His Glory,

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Start of a Different Month...

Dear Friends,

I thought I'd start with prayer requests this post and then give an update afterwards. Prayer is so important. That is one thing that I've learned (or re-learned) while being in Japan. The team here holds prayer as something so imperative to a Christian's life, their ministry. I am very thankful for those praying for me and the time God's has for me over here...very appreciative!

*Please be in pray that I will put God FIRST in my heart; that He would be the center of my heart and mind. I've listened to a sermon about idols and how we can't be a good evangelist when we don't understand grace and have idols (things that are more important to us than God.) Prayer for me (and Christians all over the world for that matter) that God would be our "Rachel" like Rachel, Isaac's wife, was for him (Isaac worked an additional 7 years for her and it felt like no time). God's love for me surpass anything, everything that I could fathom. Pray that I would return His love in the small way only a mere man can by giving Him my complete heart, future, hopes, dreams and life!
*Please pray that the additional money that I need to complete my trip here will come in. The last time I checked, I was still ~$300 short of my total amount. I am so thankful that I've made it that far...this is nothing to the initial amount. I am so close and this would enable me to stay the whole time. Pray that God will provide. He is good and knows my every need. He knows what I need to do and where to be. Pray that I'll trust Him with these finances.
*Please continue to pray for my friend Mikiya. I had a great time with him two weeks ago but we haven't been able to meet again since then. Pray that God would open a door for me to share with him about God's love and that I could introduce him to others in the church. Like many Japanese, he is caught up in the pressure and anxiety of this culture. Success is so important. Pray that I would have a heart to minister to him and others with a joyful and loving spirit.
*Pray for the missionary families that are on vacation now or about to leave for their time off. The Newsome's and Bakelaar's are out of town on vacation and the Wilson's will leave soon. Please ask God for this time to be refreshing, energizing and relaxing for them so that they may come back even more ready and strengthened my the Spirit to do our Savior's calling.

This week has been different. As my title may portray, August will be different than July. July met me with an already packed schedule with classes, practices, activities...busy! August has a more flexible schedule where I can kinda make up how my days go. I've been busy with projects this past week. I pressure washed the Wilson's sidewalk and house. And then a spent the other part of the week starting with a painting project at the Newsome's house (the mission house) while they are gone. It's been nice being able to serve the families in a way that I know how...in a way that I know that I can practically do something for them. Sometimes we help in ways that show no benefits for others. This might be a wrong way of looking at it but I'm thankful to God for giving me gifts and allowing me to use those to bless others. I can see that I'm doing something for others and it's encouraging to see them blessed for they work so hard over here. I've also been able to play the piano for the church to help Tom out with some of the music which has been great and alot of fun! I played with the worship team today in church and got to play for the Kids Gospel last week.

I did several cool things this week on top of those things even though pressure washing and painting are always fun! In addition to that, I had one of the English classes take me and Miss Linda out to a tofu restaurant. When I first heard that...I immediately thought of that nasty white stuff my mother always swear tasted just like the food she cooked with it and was good for you. Well obviously...we immediately think it's disgusting. BUT in Japan, they are extremely creative with their tofu and it was really fun. The class wanted to give us a traditional japanese dinner. The table and set up was beautiful. The food was always designed in a pretty way, making it even more enjoyable to eat. We had a really great time as a class and appreciated them taking us out.

Also, last night the Wilson's and I went to Gifu (a town on the opposite side of Nagoya than Togo) for a hanabitaikai ("fireworks show".) Ok so pictures or word...maybe even video can't describe the awesomeness of a japanese firework PRODUCTION! It was incredible!! An 1 1/2 hour show of what Americans would call "grand finale's" with an actual Grand Finale at the end. It was so cool and I think I'm spoiled when it comes to firework shows now (even though sparklers, pops, and firecrackers will always have a special place in my heart!) Hope that ya'll like the pictures! We sat along the banks of a big river with 10,000's of people.

Anyways...this upcoming week is much of the same as last. I'll be painting and doing odd jobs around (babysitting and meeting with people). It's definitely a different feel of a month but I think it'll be good for me. People are telling me where to go and what to go to (even though I'm fine with that.) But now, I'm able to experience Japan in a different, more in-depth way. I won't see just the nice things but are able to be involved in lives, seeing the good and bad. It think that's way being here for a longer short-term missions trip is nice. I really do get a feel for how it's like to live in Japan.

Much love and thankfulness to you all. I serve a gracious God who loves me. I am a sinner who needs to hear the Gospel everyday and be reminded of my position in Christ. Help me LORD to hide Your Word in my heart and remember it in times of need.

God is good and great,

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Kids Gospel Week (July 27th-31st)

Today (Monday) is my day off for this week so I thought I take the time to write about the things Nisshin Church did this week with the ~40 kids we had come to Kids Gospel Camp.
  • Random thoughts I have about this week:
- It's such an encouragement to have good leadership in a church. I know i've said this before in a post but the missionaries have such a grace-oriented mission here. Everything is done with prayer and asking God for mercy and direction. It was so refreshing and focusing to start each day group prayer, asking our Heavenly Father for guidance in the days activities.
- I was glad and honored to have a job in helping plan the KGW (Kids Gospel Week). I got to help design the t-shirt and plan the games for the summer festival at the end of the week. Plus help teach the kids the songs. It was an answer to a personal prayer of mine to feel that i was being used and actually helping the church while I'm here. I don't want to be a burden to the people who have been so kind to me here.
- Japanese is hard to learn, hard to sing, hard to perform, and trying to say Japanese names is almost impossible. I'm still working on all of that.
- To go along with the above comment, I start Japanese language lessons this week!

Like I said earlier, the church had about 40 kids come (Tuesday thru Friday) for the camp and then we held a performance for the parents/friends on Saturday and had a Summer Festival with games and prizes for the families. The whole week was great fun and the church thought is was a great success. Alot of people that normally wouldn't go to church were there and experiencing a good time and love in a place they know almost nothing about. We were very excited because alot of fathers came to the worship time/performance to see their kids and through the songs, heard the Gospel. Everyday, the kids had three stations to go to: Music, Dance and Crafts/Game/Snack. During Dance, they had a small Bible time. The church invited a pastor (Naoki-san) from Tokyo to come in and lead that. Naoki-san was actually in Tom and Teresa's wedding and Tom was influential in leading Naoki-san to Christ about 10 years ago. He was great with the kids. Basically, he took a segment of the Gospel each day and told the kids about that (grace, sin, man, Jesus, etc)
The camp had ages 3 to 12 years old participating with many youth helpers and adult leaders. It was of great encouragement to the mothers to see the older kids engaged in the younger children's day, playing with them and stuff. In Japanese schools, once a child gets to junior highschool, many of them are so busy with school, clubs and "cram" school that they have no time for family stuff. "Cram" school is extra school on top of the normal day and its purpose is to better prepare the child for the exams so that they can get into the highschool or college they want. Japan is success driven!! Succeed in school, succeed in work....no time for family. It's really sad because not many fathers are apart of their children's lives because they are working from 9am-10pm most the time. That is actually the norm. So the mothers are with the young children all the time. That is why the church as such a ministry for mothers and children (mother's day out, mom and kids club, vbs, bible studies, etc). But anyways, it was good to see families there TOGETHER at the performance and interacting at the festival. The kids were great all week and Tom really stressed teaching them how to sing and stuff. The camp was such a hit because Japanese people LOVE gospel music. Tom and Teresa have 3 gospel choirs right now. Many of the choir members are not Christians but just love singing gospel. The Wilson's have a great ministry getting to know these people, explaining the music they are singing and getting them in Bible studies or inviting them to church. Alot of the choir members and their friends brought their children to KGW (another opportunity to share the gospel with them!!!) The performance went great and we were very happy with the turnout. Thank you God for answering Your servants prayers!

*Please pray for the men's ministry here. There are many woman in the church but we pray that God will raise up men to lead the church. Native Japanese pastors, elders, deacons, Godly husbands and fathers to lead their own churches. There a several churches in the Nagoya area with no pastor at all so several men are pulling double duty.
*Pray for me as I have a change of position in August. I go from teaching English and holding conversations with Japanese to doing projects for the church and it's members. Pray that God will give me a cheerful attitude about whatever I will be doing. Pray that if it's God's will for me to have interaction with Japanese during that time that He will make that available. If not, that He will give the attitude that i need to be joyful in every situation.

Thanks for the prayers. I've been here for about a month and time really does fly. The end of my Japan trip will be here before i know it. God is working in my life so much in the maturity realm, teaching me alot of Himself and His grace in my life. I've seen it here for than ever that there is a spiritual battle in my body between the flesh and the Spirit. "Set your heart on things above" has been of great encouragement and challenge for me. Pray that God will continue to reveal more of His truths to me as I SEEK Him.

-Uncle Richard (as Ian and the Short girls are calling me know.)
P.S. I'm posting a couple pictures from a slide park we went to yesterday. Japan doesn't give front or back yards to its residents (not enough space I guess) but they do give them AWESOME city parks!