I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't know where to start...


It's been a long time since I wrote. Or at least it feels that way. And it seems like a lot has happened. Right now, it's about 10:00 PM on Tuesday night. I'm still staying at the Newsome's house in Nagakute. And we're still painting rooms in there house. BUT we're almost done. We worked on the boy's bedroom and the bathroom today. Once those are complete...we only have ONE more room. With only three rooms as exceptions, I've painted the whole house since I've been in Japan (with A LOT of help of course!!!) Painting in Japan is difficult. You have to be even more creative because they don't mix paint for you. You do that!! Therefore if you want light green...you go to the store and buy white and green and start mixing!! It's fun...and slightly annoying at time because you can't just get the color you want. Paint is really expensive and in small quantities here. Anyways...that's what I've been doing while staying at the Newsome's. We hope to be done by this week. It'll before English classes start back and RIGHT before the team retreat which is on the 3rd and 4th of Sept.

Last week, I got to stay with the sweetest JAPANESE family that is here in Japan...the Watanabe's. They are incredible! Mr. Watanabe (Eiji) is a seminary student in the seminary that meets at the church in Nisshin. Him and his wife (Reiko) have 4 boys which they HOMESCHOOL!!! Homeschooling if you remember is actually completely unheard of in Japan. But they feel like it's the best way to educate their boys and they seem to be doing a marvelous job. The boys are brilliant! Yoshiya (Josiah) is 8 years old. He plays soccer and translates a lot for the family. Most of his school subjects are in English even though they speak Japanese basically all the time in the house. He does about 5 subjects in English and 3 in Japanese. Eiji and Reiko (I called them both "Watanabe san" = Mr or Mrs Watanabe) speak English fairly well...a lot better than they think they do. So communicating wasn't really a problem during the week. The boys know English pretty well. Tomokazu and Takumi are 6 year old twins! Totally cool kids and completely different. These boys can spell better than I can and seem to really love school. Tomokazu is the boy who below in one of the pictures from the Kid's Gospel Week is painting signs with me. Eliya (Elijah) is 2 1/2 years old and might be the cutest kids on earth. He cracked me up all week with his broken English and how he'd talk to be in Japanese, expecting me to understand him. Not 3 yet...he already knows all his numbers and the alphabet! I had such an amazing time with this family. They are so service minded. Mr. Watanabe was out helping others everyday I was there. I got to help them move from the house they are renting now to another they will be moving into in about 3 weeks. I helped with school and playing with the kids. And getting to experience a real Japanese family was great....making my stay here really seem like I was IN Japan.

A lot of little things have happened since I posted last. My mom had a birthday (Happy Birthday Mom!!) I seen a lot of the nearby towns/cities around Nagoya. Some mountains, rivers and countryside. Japan is beautiful!! I think it maybe the mountains and the different types of trees that make up the scenery but the way that water and mountains mix with the curving roads and rice fields...it's really beautiful. I've taken a lot of pictures! I've gotten to go several times to different rivers with different people or families. I was taken to a wadaiko demonstration (Japanese drums). Only words are AWESOME and POWERFUL! I've gotten to hangout with several college students and went bowling with Mikiya and one of his friends...that was fun. Yesterday, I went to a going away/wedding party for one of Mrs. Linda and I's English students. She's moving to Germany! Anyways...my time has been busy. August is done with September and it's schedule packed and ready to go. English classes start back up next week. Japanese schools start school tomorrow so kids are heading back to school. Therefore, there will be more of a routine starting here soon than August allowed for.

I'd be lying if I said that I haven't been homesick. But I have been a little lately. I think it may have something to do with a lot of friends are in Auburn with school and everything. I miss that place! And my family doing stuff without me (i hope the beach was fun!!) But God has been good to me. He's always good to me. I'm amazed at how I often forget that. I let my particular situation at that moment dictate the mood I'm in. And don't always see or think that God may be using this is some way for something much bigger...His plan. Actually, that's probably how it usually is. Many truths have been revealed to me during these past two months by His grace and mercy. I played all the worship for church this past Sunday because Tom was gone. God was so faithful. Is so faithful!! Even though I was completely unprepared and actually not adequate to play (much like Gideon or David), God used me to help others WORSHIP HIM. That's something that I've always struggled with....how to truly worship Him with the talents He's given me. I sit here not really knowing how to put into words how God's become more real to me during my stay in Japan. In some ways, I don't want to leave. In others, I do. Here...I feel like I focused on doing God's work and in a way...that's easier. Back in the States, I sadly get caught up in the busyness of a schedule and the comforts that home brings with it. I've been challenged in that way, knowing that when I go back...I want to be changed. I want God to use this trip in anyway HE thinks is right and true. His will over mine (which is so hard for me to say!) Japan has put a lot of things in perspective for me...but I don't want to forget this and go back to how I was. I desire God to work in my life, through my life....never forgetting HIS wonderful truths. These are random thoughts...sorry if they make no sense.

I've got many prayer requests.
1. Please pray for me in some specific ways:
-I've got one more month here. Please pray that I would remain focused on being a servant to the team here. I'm here to serve! And through the process of helping...grow closer to God.
-My flight plans might be changing again. I ask for wisdom as I make scheduling plans and that a flight would open up for me that's not expensive and not confusing.
-I hate not know what my future holds. I would really appreciate your prayers for what I need to go when I get back to the States. I don't feel God leading me in a very clear way. I'm at a cross road (jobs, schooling-wise) and don't know where God is leading me.
-pray that I'd use every opportunity to share the Gospel. In a big and evident way or in a small way that God would use me to plant seeds in people's hearts about the ONE true God and the love and security we have in Him...our Father!
2. Please pray for the team retreat this weekend and that the planning and fellowship would go well/smoothly.
3. Please pray for many people's finances. I know that there are several families trying to raise support to come join the Nagoya team and are finding it very difficult. There are missionaries here that are struggling to stay their WHOLE time. I'm also trying to reach that last little bit I need to stay the 3 months. Pray that God will provide and that it'll be a faith-building experience for all of us.
4. Pray for the church and it's growth. Now that summer is over, we are hoping for more people to be involved in the activities at the church. Pray that God would work in people's hearts to come to the church and hear His Gospel.
5. Please pray for these specific people: the Watanabe family, Mikiya, Hironari, Maki, Kaji (a college-aged guy going to Australia for 1 year) and many people in Gospel choirs and English classes.

Thank you for the prayers! I really appreciate them. Sorry that I have no pictures...again. I don't know how to get them up on this computer. We'll just have to wait a little longer. And sorry this is long but thanks for reading if you made it to this point. God's grace is endless...Praise the LORD!


1 comment:

  1. Richard, I just caught up on your blog.
    I am so thrilled for you. God is good. That we know. The Lord has led you this far - will he let you go by yourself now? NO. Follow the Lord - stay on the path of His revealed will and the road will be lighted. Get off on the bypath and it gets thorny and dark.
    I listed twice to Mr. Barnhouse on Job 3:23 about not worrying. It lit me up. God has you hedged in - I won't preach the sermon but I think it would give you greater confidence and faith. You are special.
    Love. Mom
