I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Start of a Different Month...

Dear Friends,

I thought I'd start with prayer requests this post and then give an update afterwards. Prayer is so important. That is one thing that I've learned (or re-learned) while being in Japan. The team here holds prayer as something so imperative to a Christian's life, their ministry. I am very thankful for those praying for me and the time God's has for me over here...very appreciative!

*Please be in pray that I will put God FIRST in my heart; that He would be the center of my heart and mind. I've listened to a sermon about idols and how we can't be a good evangelist when we don't understand grace and have idols (things that are more important to us than God.) Prayer for me (and Christians all over the world for that matter) that God would be our "Rachel" like Rachel, Isaac's wife, was for him (Isaac worked an additional 7 years for her and it felt like no time). God's love for me surpass anything, everything that I could fathom. Pray that I would return His love in the small way only a mere man can by giving Him my complete heart, future, hopes, dreams and life!
*Please pray that the additional money that I need to complete my trip here will come in. The last time I checked, I was still ~$300 short of my total amount. I am so thankful that I've made it that far...this is nothing to the initial amount. I am so close and this would enable me to stay the whole time. Pray that God will provide. He is good and knows my every need. He knows what I need to do and where to be. Pray that I'll trust Him with these finances.
*Please continue to pray for my friend Mikiya. I had a great time with him two weeks ago but we haven't been able to meet again since then. Pray that God would open a door for me to share with him about God's love and that I could introduce him to others in the church. Like many Japanese, he is caught up in the pressure and anxiety of this culture. Success is so important. Pray that I would have a heart to minister to him and others with a joyful and loving spirit.
*Pray for the missionary families that are on vacation now or about to leave for their time off. The Newsome's and Bakelaar's are out of town on vacation and the Wilson's will leave soon. Please ask God for this time to be refreshing, energizing and relaxing for them so that they may come back even more ready and strengthened my the Spirit to do our Savior's calling.

This week has been different. As my title may portray, August will be different than July. July met me with an already packed schedule with classes, practices, activities...busy! August has a more flexible schedule where I can kinda make up how my days go. I've been busy with projects this past week. I pressure washed the Wilson's sidewalk and house. And then a spent the other part of the week starting with a painting project at the Newsome's house (the mission house) while they are gone. It's been nice being able to serve the families in a way that I know how...in a way that I know that I can practically do something for them. Sometimes we help in ways that show no benefits for others. This might be a wrong way of looking at it but I'm thankful to God for giving me gifts and allowing me to use those to bless others. I can see that I'm doing something for others and it's encouraging to see them blessed for they work so hard over here. I've also been able to play the piano for the church to help Tom out with some of the music which has been great and alot of fun! I played with the worship team today in church and got to play for the Kids Gospel last week.

I did several cool things this week on top of those things even though pressure washing and painting are always fun! In addition to that, I had one of the English classes take me and Miss Linda out to a tofu restaurant. When I first heard that...I immediately thought of that nasty white stuff my mother always swear tasted just like the food she cooked with it and was good for you. Well obviously...we immediately think it's disgusting. BUT in Japan, they are extremely creative with their tofu and it was really fun. The class wanted to give us a traditional japanese dinner. The table and set up was beautiful. The food was always designed in a pretty way, making it even more enjoyable to eat. We had a really great time as a class and appreciated them taking us out.

Also, last night the Wilson's and I went to Gifu (a town on the opposite side of Nagoya than Togo) for a hanabitaikai ("fireworks show".) Ok so pictures or word...maybe even video can't describe the awesomeness of a japanese firework PRODUCTION! It was incredible!! An 1 1/2 hour show of what Americans would call "grand finale's" with an actual Grand Finale at the end. It was so cool and I think I'm spoiled when it comes to firework shows now (even though sparklers, pops, and firecrackers will always have a special place in my heart!) Hope that ya'll like the pictures! We sat along the banks of a big river with 10,000's of people.

Anyways...this upcoming week is much of the same as last. I'll be painting and doing odd jobs around (babysitting and meeting with people). It's definitely a different feel of a month but I think it'll be good for me. People are telling me where to go and what to go to (even though I'm fine with that.) But now, I'm able to experience Japan in a different, more in-depth way. I won't see just the nice things but are able to be involved in lives, seeing the good and bad. It think that's way being here for a longer short-term missions trip is nice. I really do get a feel for how it's like to live in Japan.

Much love and thankfulness to you all. I serve a gracious God who loves me. I am a sinner who needs to hear the Gospel everyday and be reminded of my position in Christ. Help me LORD to hide Your Word in my heart and remember it in times of need.

God is good and great,


  1. IT was so enjoyable to read your update.
    Dad and I are at beach with Raller, Phaller and Ruller. We miss Ratcha datter.
    It is not same without you.
    We are on way to Publix with my coupons of course.
    Gg and Rachel not come. Neither Woody. Ro may come Mon with kids minus JD who is at Straughn.
    We love you.
    Will pray as you asked Mom

    Livin Phillip
    the THE - Richard
    Dream Woody

    THe 3 musketeers of Homewood.

  2. Love you THE!
    Livin seems to think that should be your new nickname.

