I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I got kicked out of the Wilson household...

"Konbanwa" for those that speak Japanese..."Good Evening" for those that speak English...and A+ for those that understood both!

This week has been fun. It's been different! My regular routine was mixed up a bit. It's been busy but relaxing! I got to do some cool stuff. And I'm living with a crazy but sweet and amazing family right now. The Wilson's are on a much needed vacation right now so I moved in with the Newsome's on Monday night of this week. Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Amy have 5 children. Katelyn is the oldest and left for her sophomore year at Covenant College on Tuesday. She's a soccer player there. Sam is 16 and is a Junior at a school in Tokyo. Mary Grace is 14 and a freshman at ICAN (International Christian Academy of Nagoya). Sarah is 12 and Josh is 9...both go to ICAN as well. It's fun being apart of their family. At times...I feel like I'm hearing my own brothers and sisters because even though they might live in another country, kids will be kids and it's funny! Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Amy are amazing people and I've learned so much by talking with them and helping them around the house. They have been SO sweet to open their house to me and I've really appreciate all the input, advice, and counsel they've given. Mr. Wayne is the team leader here for the Nagoya team and preaches for the church. He stays really busy with the activities at the church which is only a 5 minute bike ride away (just down the road). Mrs. Amy is always busy with tons of things....bible studies, choir practice, life as a mom and house keeper-upper, etc. Her latest project has been painting the house which is what I've helped with. I've been able to help with re-painting their living room, bathrooms and toilet rooms, hallway and stairway. We worked on the kitchen today but didn't quite finish. So that's been fun. I've gotten better at painting which can always help me in the future. The Newsome' s think that I should give up my medical pursuits and start painting for a living. Not exactly what I had in mind...but if the LORD's will...I'll go for it.
We've been able to do some really neat stuff this week. Yesterday, we woke up really early and traveled about two hours away to the Japan Sea for a beach day. This was the 1st the Newsome's had done something like this and weren't very sure what they'd fine. But the beach turned about to be wonderful. The water was so clear and it was really pretty! Japan is so mountainous and cities where there isn't mountains. So...you have a small beach and a mountain like 100 yards away. Therefore, the beaches are pretty few and far in between. But we spent the whole day there on the beach and it was wonderful! I'll show some pictures later...I'm on a computer that I haven't downloaded pictures yet.
Tonight we went to the Nagakute town festival. I mentioned this last post but Ohbon (most likely miss spelled) is going on right now (basically vacation time.) People go back to their hometowns and there's always a festival where there is a dance for/to the dead spirits. Ok...so not so awesome maybe but it shows the religion and culture that we're dealing with. They worship their ancestors and pray for them, offering up sacrifices to make sure that they are taking care of. This ritual dance is done to lead the spirits on their way. Where? I'm not sure! The really cool thing about these festivals is there are always fireworks. I've told a little about Japanese fireworks...but they are awesome. The shows are incredible and I'll never see anything like it in America. So that was today...and it was a lot of fun. We biked there because it's the town that the Newsome's live in.
Thanks for those that have been praying for me. I really appreciate the prayers. I've been giving the opportunity to stay longer. That was a prayer request I had last post but I think that all is working out about that (thanks Mom and Dad!) I am trying to stay until Oct 4th. This will give me time to see the English students again and for me to make sure that I finish all the projects that I can for the team. It is a whole month more than I thought I would get. The LORD is so good in that He provided all my money to come in and have blessed me tremendously while over here. His grace is more abundant everyday and never runs out on a wretched sinner like me. I've been reading in Romans for my quiet time and have been amazed at how I have for most of my life...put God in a box. He is way bigger and more knowledgeable than I! The truths that Paul writes about and how the Spirit reveals those to me have been of great encouragement. To learn more about the Scriptures and how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, has given me much more understanding about myself and the greatness of our God.
Please continue to be praying for me. There are many needs here yet God has also blessed the team very much. Please continue to lift up the men of Japan...for which there is a need for Godly husbands, church leaders, pastors, and Christian workers in the work force. Please pray for the struggling churches that are here. Some only have a few members. Some don't even have a pastor. Some are on the brink of stopping. It is very hard to grow in numbers in Japan because of the type of people Japanese are...very slow when it comes to something new or foreign. Pray for motivation and strength for the missionary families. Most of the team is coming back from vacation. Pray that they will use the energy and rest they gained from that to pour more of ourselves through Christ's strength into those we are ministering too.
I am so excited about what the LORD is doing not only in my life but also in many of the people's live here. Please pray that God will make new His Gospel to us everyday so that we can share and spread His Word excitedly and energetically everyday.
Sorry...no pictures but I'll try to post some later on if I can. Much love to everyone. And thanks again for keeping up with me.


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