I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

They made me take a day off!


Well...I'm back on the once-a-week blog again. And I'm sorry about that. I guess I could look back but I'm not even sure when I posted last. Anyways...thanks for the comments. I've said this before but I really am thankful for the prayers and all the support. It's really encouraging to get on and have a sweet comment or email from someone. Thank you!

For this week, it was my goal to finish the painting at the Newsome's house before they returned from their vacation. I didn't do it! And I felt horrible about it. I've been working on re-painting some of the areas in their house and it took me a lot longer than I wanted it too. But I'm glad to hear that they like it and i hope to finish up at least the initial stuff very soon. I thought about putting some of "before and after" pictures but I'm not sure the Newsome's want pictures of their house floating in cyberspace.

It's actually kinda funny. I'm sitting in an empty house right now because the Wilson's left today for vacation. My family back in the states are on vacation (i hope the beach is fun without me.) And the family I'm about to go live with for a few days are just getting back from vacation. Here is Japan...there is a week or two that is called something that I won't even try to spell. But it means "dancing with the past spirits" or something. I can't remember exactly. But it's a week or two. Anyways...it's a time when many Japanese families take vacation. Kids aren't in school yet. Men will take their 5 vacation days off for the year! And plane tickets get expensive. But it kinda a time for travel and for people to go see their families in other towns. Many towns have festivals and things where they celebrate their dead ancestors and light lanterns to "lead" them back to where ever. You can probably tell that I don't really know a lot about it. haha . This time is called O-ban (I think). I can't remember but it's basically vacation time for many people and they visit family in their home town...therefore travel.

I haven't done a whole bunch this week. I usually would wake up around 8:30AM, eat breakfast, sometimes have a prayer time with T & T (which is always such a blessing and encouraging) and then bike to the Newsome's in Nagakute about 30 minutes away. I usually stopped my the grocery store or a convenience store (better known as a convenie) to pick up lunch for later. I'd paint for most the day and then bike back to Togo a little after dark. I had a few things that broke that schedule. I was invited to lunch at one of the English student's house on Wednesday. It was a lot of fun and I got to experience Japanese culture even more while being in their house. A lot of speaking English...practicing...which is always fun. Teresa's brother was in town for some of the week and I loved to stay up with them and talk. Dr. Randell Short is a professor at Tokyo Christian University and it was his daughters that helped during the KGW a few weeks back. A really smart man....loved talking with him. I had two Japanese lessons this week. I love my sensei ("teacher"). Etsuko Sensei lives just down the road and is teaching Ian and I usually twice (sometimes once) a week. Japanese is hard but really fun. It's going slow but I can pick small words out of a conversation or the radio sometimes.

I've also really enjoyed my time in the Bible. Today, I re-read the passages from the sermon yesterday and then re-read the sermon. Since the church is in Japanese, they have handouts in English for people to follow along. I can't believe i haven't done this in years past. I think that that is the hope of many pastors...is that their sermon will give us encouragement the week through and not just for one hour at church while we listen. I went on a run afterwards and prayed. Our God is so good! When we live our life in obedience to Him, He is not slow to shower His grace down in our lives with peace. That's what I felt while running and praying. I've been reading in Romans and I have to focus really hard on what Paul is talking about sometimes. But it's mean amazing how God opens my eyes to things I've never noticed or understood before. Things about my sinful nature and the Spirit battling within my body; one leads to destruction and the other to life. Who will we follow? I've seen and experienced the necessity to hear the Gospel message everyday. I'm always to quick to forget. Once moment I'm praying and "feel" so close to God. The other moment...I'm angry for something that's happened in my life. I'm so quick to forget His faithfulness and love in my life. He has shown more grace in my life. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to understand how much.

*Please pray for the Wilson's. They are on a much needed vacation time right now. Pray for great family time. Pray for rest, relaxation and re-energizing for the ministry ahead.
*Please pray for my brother, Sam, as he is deployed with the Army Rangers and is away from his pregnant wife. Dorsey is expecting in a little more than a month. Please pray for health, protection and a constant source of understanding to be on them as they are apart.
*Please pray that ministry opportunities will continue to arise for me. I'm still meeting with a few people on my own. I have several jobs to still be done for the team. I want to stay busy and to be helpful to the team and people of the church. Please pray that I'll be swift in finishing jobs so that I can move on to others and really help those that need it.
*Please pray for wisdom as I try to make some decisions. I am hoping to stay a little longer in Japan than I initially thought. The LORD has provided for me in a way that I never thought possible. He is so good and truly watches over His sheep. I am trying to work it out to stay until Oct. 4th. Pray that if that is God's will, plane tickets will be able to be changed and the money will last that long.

Thanks for many prayers and words of encouragement. I very much appreciate the support and love. I thank those that are and have supported me. God is using this tremendously in my life...revealing truths and drawing me closer to Him through His Word. Thank you for making this possible for me.

With that last prayer request, I sure hope my parents read their email before reading this blog!

For His Glory,

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