I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I ate raw fish and didn't throw up

Ok so it's not actually the third week but I am trying to write more. I definitely have been thinking about America more and trying my hardest not to miss. Staying busy has been my answer for that and that's exactly what I'm doing. These last couple of days have been really busy. I have left the Wilson's at like 9:45AM and haven't returned until 10:30PM. AND it's been nice because I got a mode of transportation this week. A bike! The Newsome family are letting me borrow a bike...and a cell phone. So that's been nice because I don't bug Tom & Teresa and haven't had to bother them with driving me around. The last two mornings I've biked to the church where the English classes are. It takes about 30 min...and Japan right now feels like an Alabama summer. Hot...so that's nice. War Eagle! I show up to class nasty and sweating and then seat next to a sweet old lady and talk American with her. I'm sure she's loving me!

Classes for the most part are coming to an end which is kinda sad. But I've got to do some cool things with the classes. On Wednesday and today, both the morning classes took me and Mr. Peter out to lunch (ate sushi both days) and we got the opportunity to know them better. I've been praying that I would be willing and that God would give me the confidence to talk about my faith in ways that they would maybe understand. There is still and pretty good language barrier even though this is an English class. I'll talk about going to church or looking to God for strength and I'm just not sure if they understand what I'm talking about. But it's not me who is talking but Christ that lives within me which is encouraging. I just do what the Spirit tells me too. Therefore, the classes are keeping me busy in the mornings and some at night. In between classes this week, I have been helping the Newsome's paint their house and remolding their bathroom. So that's been fun, working hard and getting to know their family better.

Something really fun and interesting happened today. Miwa san (Mr. Miwa is English) is an elderly man in our Thursday class. He actually has pretty good English and we communicate just fine. His wife is in the Wednesday class (so that's sweet). But since today was their last class, he wanted to teach me calligraphy...therefore writing the Japanese language called kanji (i think). Anyways, he spent about two hours teaching me how to write "horse" and "love" in Japanese characters. And then framed it for me to keep. It was so awesome. He was totally into the horses and ask TONS of questions about the horses last week. I'll post a picture of him and me writing them and practicing it.

Thanks for the prayers and comments. I love hearing from ya'll and really appreciate the support. I have been really encouraged about what the LORD has done personally in my heart over the last two weeks. We serve a God that is a personal God, One that love US, cares for our own personal needs and knows what we want and think. I love when God reveals things to you and through that we are left with such a joy and peace...we just want to go tell people. As sad as this sounds, I've felt that this week for the first time. Though time spent specifically for Him, the LORD has made issues and concepts more clear to me. And I love that He uses Scripture to speak to us, especially when I have a particular situation I'm struggling with. He knows is and brings me the Scripture to me to find encouragement.
Please pray for those in my English classes. Most are not Christians. Pray that God would use the few words we say to make them more curious about the Gospel and that God would open doors for Christians to minister and share with them.
Please pray for protection on the missionary families...protection for their families and children, from the Devil temptation and ESPECIALLY from discouragement. Japanese are hard to minister to because one does not see fruit very fast at all.
Please pray that we would be able to minister to more Japanese men. The church is mostly women and Japanese men are very busy and consumed with work. Pray that God would raise up men who love Him, serve Him and take an active role in leading the church here in Nagoya.
Pray that I'll not miss family and friends too much. I'm loving it here and I try not to think about America too much. I want this time for Japan and not for counting the days until I return to my comforts in Birmingham.

Love you all and God Bless!

Mr. Richard (what Ian Wilson calls me)

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