I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tokyo has nothing on Wilsonville

Wow...my head is full of things I need to write about but am just too tired to write about. This whole week, we've been putting on a Kids Gospel Week at the church (basically a Music VBS). And today we had a performance for the parents/family and a carnival afterwards. I'm completely bushed!!! But I thought that I could atleast get on and tell ya'll about last weekend in Tokyo...

If anyone was wondering, George Lucas didn't computerize any of the cities in his "Star Wars" trilogies....he filmed them in Tokyo!!! You won't be able to get all of that from the pictures but the city is HUGE, MASSIVE! We went up on one of the towers to an observatory deck to get a good look of the city. When I got up there, I really thought I was looking a city in "Star Wars" (minus the flying cars!) Buildings as far as you could see, disappearing into the haze of the sky. It was a sight! Busy, busy, busy!! People running to and from, subways going in EVERY direction, buildings literally on top of each other. I saw children playing a game on a soccer field. The soccer field was on TOP of a building. The tallest building in downtown Birmingham wouldn't have made a dent into the skyline in the Tokyo city limits. We went to Tokyo for the weekend because Tom was invited to see a choir performance. He was in this choir when they lived in Chiba (a suburb of Tokyo) for language school. There is only one Christian in the choir and Tom made some really good friends while he was in it. Tom joined the choir to learn from the conductor on how to relate to Japanese people so he wanted to see them. It's really kinda ironic because they sang in english and swedish and all the songs were Scriptures. They just don't know what they are singing about or to who! Kinda sad. But Tom got to see them and keep those connections up. The performance was on Sunday and we went sight-seeing most of Saturday. I voted that we do all the "free" things so I saw the Busiest Intersection in the World (Shibuya), the Busiest Subway Station in the World (Shinjiku), one of the World's Biggest Ferris Wheels, ate at some really cool places and saw a shrine. Shibuya was the coolest thing ever! There were thousands of people every minute that went through that intersection. We sat up in a Starbucks and people watched. It was really cool! Hope you like the pictures. We also met up with and stayed with Teresa's brother (Randell and Atsuko) who lives in Chiba. They have three daughters who came to Nagoya for the Kids Gospel Week (Cana, Emmy, Mana.) Such a sweet family!

Later, I'll write more about what God has done this week. The Kids Gospel Choir really did bring alot of people into the church, many for the first time. God is gracious and so good! If there is one thing I've learned is that God blesses those that love and obey Him. The team here washes everything in prayer and submission to Him. It is so encouraging and yet challenging to learn from those working with the church. Thank you so much for all the prayers! God is working and I really appreciate many of ya'll making it possible for me to be here through your donations. We serve a great and awesome God!

Anyways...I'll write more soon. And for those that are wondering, Japanese is about impossible to learn! YAA!


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