I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Start...

First off, I want to thank everyone for EVERYTHING! I have had the greatest support and encouragement ever. I seriously would not be in the place I am now if it wasn't for ya'll and the LORD's gracious hand. Thanks for the love and gifts! I really appreciate everything everyone has done for me and hopefully ya'll can keep up with me through this blog in the months to come.
I am so excited about my trip to Nagoya, Japan. I leave tomorrow morning (July 6th) from B'ham. As I sit here now, I have a million things going through my head about things I need to get done and things I don't want to forget to bring. But if I'm completely serious with myself, God is way bigger then the things that I might not bring or a mindset that I might not have. I have to constantly say that to myself and know that it is in He that I trust with my life therefore everything that goes with it...my worries, anxiety, health, possessions, etc. There aren't words to describe the excitement I have to see the LORD work in my own heart, soul, mind & body and also in the hearts and lives of those I will be working with.
I didn't want to be long on my first post but I did want to say that I will be trying my best to keep up with everyone and let ya'll know how things are going here. Please be in prayer for me as I have a long travel schedule ahead of me tomorrow (and plus). Pray that I get to Tom and Teresa safely and there without too much trouble through 4 airports. Thanks again for everything and I'll talk with ya'll soon.


  1. You'll be in our prayers, Richard!
    The Smith Family

  2. Son,
    Are you proud of me? I did this all on my own!
    It's been almost a week. I have prayed for you daily. Would love a quick overview of specifics I can be aware of. But I am grateful for THE Living God who the heavens cannot contain who oversees every detail of your time there.
    I am studying Jeremiah. And reading George Mueller's bio. - rich.
    Love. Mom

  3. Brother,

    I love you and I am praying for you daily. I have really missed you around the house. It is a lot lonelier without you around, and the house is not nearly as clean. The yard awaits your return!

    I hope everything is going well over there and that you are having a great time. I miss you brother. Hurry back.


  4. Hey ricardo! I leave for Belize in three days! I hope I have as great as experience as your having :) love you broder

    your baby:) sister, Rain

    itchy knee son she go haha

  5. Richard,
    You are so busy!!!!!!!!!
    We miss you. But so glad you are serving there.
    Do our friends and your supporters have your blog? Who do I need to send it to?
    Pray for us. Love. Mom

  6. Richard--your mom sent me the link to this--so exciting to see what you are getting to do! My niece Meg Bowden will be in Tokyo for 3 weeks at University of Sophia starting this weekend. I had wondered if you were anywhere near there. We'll keep you in our prayers for energy, joy in His service and that He would bless you allowing you to see the fruit of your labor. We'll keep up thru your blog (wonderful things)......Blessings, Sallie Lowman

  7. Hi Mr. Richard I love your blog about Japan! I read it every day! I hope the lord is helping u do great things i wanna be a missonary too! but i gotta get through learning Latin before i start any other languages(Haha) Tell me what it was like in person when you get back!!

    Love, Hannah Turner

    PS: sorry for the misspellings!
