I'm mowing the grass...with my hands.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Week One


So I am really sorry that this is so late. I've been meaning to write for a couple of days now and just haven't gotten around to it. I actually hadn't called or emailed anyone (other than a quick email to say that I arrived just fine) since I've been here. But thank ya'll for the prayers and everything. I very much appreciate them!

Well...I sit here on the couch in the Wilson's house, trying to figure out where to start. This could be a long blog and I am really sorry if you have to read a terribly long blog about a sorta jet-lagged, kinda disoriented guy who can not spell. But the trip over went great! Thank ya'll for the prayers about that because I was very nervous about switching flights, going through customs and flying on international flights all by myself. But everything went great and I landed in Nagoya and found Tom and Ian waiting for me. For those that might not know, I am in Nagoya, Japan as an intern for a MTW missionary team that focuses on church planting. The church that they are in now is in Nisshin (which is a city on the outskirts on Nagoya). The church is Nisshin Christ Church and it is beautiful. Tom explained Nisshin as the Vestavia Hills of AL with Nagoya being Birmingham....but on a much larger scale. As of right now, I am living with the Wilsons who live in Togo (a town also on the ridge of Naygoya....kinda like a Pelham.) I didn't know that I was going to be doing that. But I'll be probably moving around and staying with some of the other missionary families or have a homestay with some church members.

What has been really awesome is that they've pushed me right into things and i am very glad about that. I got in at the airport about 5:30pm on Wednesday (7th) and I had an English class on Thursday at 10:30am! It was great! It was at the Nisshin church and i was helping Peter Bakelaar (another missionary on the team). We had 3 students and they loved hearing about my large family and our horses. I got to tell them about every single family member and they were even more shocked when i told them about Robyn and Jay's family! But it really was awesome and I thought that the class flew by. Every class is set up that they have a bible study at the end so that people ARE learning English but it is also an outreach ministry. Thursday night I was able to go to a Campus Crusade for Christ meeting at other church on the other side of Nagoya with Tom. Everything is in Japanese so that was interesting and only my first experience (of the future many in store) of sermons I will hear without understanding ANY of it. It was good thought because I got to hangout with college students and went out to eat with them afterwards.

This past weekend was really busy as well because there was a performance at the church with most of the choir members. Tom and Teresa have three Gospel choirs started up right now. They have been in Nagoya for only 8 months but the choirs have exploded. The choirs are in different places around the city but they all learn the same music. So the Wilson's brought in a guest soloist (Mr. John Lucus) and the members who could come all gathered at the church for a special singing/praise event. There were about 75 singers there. They sang and fellowshiped. John shared his testimony and sang other songs. And then everyone stayed for dinner and question/answer time with John. The Wilson's were EXTREMELY encouraged through this event b/c many people stayed to hear what John had the say and the gospel was plainly explained. If I can, i will download a short clip of one of the songs. Sunday is always busy b/c of the church service. Tom plays the piano and I was able to play for the prelude. Mr. Wayne Newsome (team leader) spoke on Romans 8:35-39 on God's Love. It's all in Japanese so I followed along with a english translation printed out. We had church choir practice afterwards and we are singing one of Ken Berg's arrangements of a song. We will be singing it next week. There was a church fellowship opportunity after that with another church in Nagoya. We all went bowling! It was horrible and so much fun at the same time! Horrible because I stink at bowling (I bowled a 54 the first game...haha) and then awesome to see the two churches come together and have a great time. There were pastors and tiny children there. And then there was an elderly couple next to our lane that dominated me!! Anyways, after that I went out to eat with some of the Newsome and Bakelaar kids. I hope to attach a picture from that...it was fun.

Since we had such a busy weekend, the Wilson's wanted to take an easy day on Monday. We just goofed around the house and Tom and I went for a run around a BEAUTIFUL lake (pictures to come in weeks to come). Today (tuesday) I have another English class tonight with another missionary (Linda Wixon) and two english classes tomorrow.

Sorry this is long but prayer requests:
-Pray that I keep a servant's attitude towards everything thrown to me.
-Pray for courage to make relationships and talk with people. I want to make contacts for the missionaries to come in afterwards and minister.
-Pray that jet-lag will not be a factor in my ability to help. It hasn't been that bad and I am very thankful for that.
-Lift up the Wilson's! They are awesome and have opened their house to me. Pray for them as they are attacked by the devil on many fronts (family, gospel choirs, church, etc)

Thanks for the emails and comments! I am sorry that I haven't responded and that might be a growing strend while i'm here. Love you all!

The video download didn't work. i'll try posting it another time. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Way to show US superiority and bowl so well!!

    Miss you brother and love you. Thanks for the update.
